Saturday, September 6, 2014


We awoke yesterday to a glorious day.  Sun was shining.  Headed out on foot to get our bearings.  We were amazed at the number of police around, then we discovered that the unions and students were having a protest march.  Streets were blocked off, and police and riot squads were everywhere.   The roads they were marching along were all fenced off and closed to traffic.  Shops and banks were putting up their shutters, a hotel even covered its statue with a cage.

This left us in a quandry, to stay and watch (never recommended), or move on quickly.   Due to the fences and the large police presence, we stayed and watched at a place where we could make a quick exit.  And they had a peaceful march.

Santiago central is flat, and has a river through the middle of it.  Snow capped peaks can be seen from the city.

The final photo shows Peter outside our accommodation, Travesia Bed and Breakfast.