Monday, November 4, 2013

Annency and Chamonix Mt Blanc

It was a public holiday in France for Nov 1, so Mark had Friday off.  We hired a car and headed north into the mountains.  Despite a fairly poor weather forecast for both Sat and Sun, we had 2 glorious days in the mountains.    It was cold when we were up high. We drove on small mountain roads, and were rewarded with wonderful views, especially once we had shows covered peaks in the distance.  Ate lots of cheesy mountain food.  The lake is at Annency, and the chateau nearby.  On Sunday morning we awoke to rain and a miserable day, but were rewarded with lots of waterfalls on the easy home.

This concludes the France part of the trip.  Pam's French is improving, but Mark's is a lot better than hers. We have had as wonderful 3 weeks in France.

Tomorrow we take the train to London, and it is only a week until we head home.