Sunday, May 6, 2012

komodo dragons

the boat trip is now over and we have arrived in Labuan Bajo on rhe western end of Flores.
yesterday we went to komodo island in komodo national park.   did the long walk - 4 km.   the first 2 dragons were by a waterhole.   they seemed fairly tame.  but we also saw 3 more on our walk.  a baby one, a medium sized female and a large male.   Very lucky.   they are reportedly fairly hard to find on komodo.   we were early and they feed and lie in the sun in the morning, so it is the best time to see them.
on komodo island we then went to red beach for snorkelling.   lots of big fish and coral in reasonable  condition.
we arrived in Lubuan Bajo yesterday afternoon and found ourselves some accomodation before heading back to the boat and our farewell party.  4 people joined the trip, so there were 5 on the trip back to Lombok.
We really enjoyed our trip to Flores.
Today we checked out the town and plan to head off east with a car and driver.  Arrow is coming with us.   He is an American (of Danish origin) who is in the room next to us.
So we will have 6 days to Maumere in the east of Flores and will hopefully see all the sights along the way.
We have been taking photos qith rhe big camera and need to transfer them before we can post them.