Thursday, September 29, 2011


Wednesday 28th september

Weare at Antelope Park, in Zimbabwe.    This is a very active private game reserve, which is trying to breed lions for release into the wild.  Lovely setting, lake with fishing and canoeing, and lots of activities to spend our money on, so tomorrow it will be a "Walk with the lions", a one hour elephant ride into the game park, lion feeding, lion breeding talk and canoeing in our spare time..  Should keep us out of mischief for the day, and contribute to the funds available for research.

Yesterday we were at the Rhodes Matabos National Park near Bulaweyo.   Followed a rhino hunter with big gun around for a long time in the bush (twice), but did not find rhino.   Saw lots of other animals, sable antelope, the antelope with corkscrew horns, kliphoppers (rock jumping antelope), springboks, wildebeest, zebras, rodents etc.

Bulaweyo reminds us of Adelaide, wide streets, low buildings, square city with parklands around it.    We will have to research if Col Light designed it too.

At Vic Falls, we went to Boma, a game meat restaurant, and to the VIctoria Falls hotel for afternoon tea.

At the border crossing form Zambia to Zimbabwe, we met David Hasselhof, and had a group photo taken with him.   This was a highlight for many on the trip.