to see our photos from Tanjure and Ooty and Hampi click on the link below
what an amazing place!!! A 13-15th century series of palaces and temples set amongst a boulder-strewn landscape. the king at the time collected land taxes, and spent 50% on the army, 25% on public building, and 25% on the people. He was much loved.
Everywhere you look, you find another temple or palace or ruins, all made from the big boulders whuch adorn the landscape. And we arrived just in tme for another festival, a small scale version of the Mysore Dussara festival, with elephants, parades, performances etc. And hordes of people. We would have preferred not to have the festival. Most of the hordes were locals who came from all the nearby villages, and just slept rough (by the river, or in the temples). The area is quite dry, and there was a huge amount of dust, which was not kind to Pam's nose. They had coracles (round woven boats) on the river, and we took a trip on one of them. We had heard the praises of Hampi sung load and long by fellow travellers, and actually changed our plans to go there, and were very glad we did.
to see our photos from Tanjure and Ooty and Hampi click on the link below