Saturday, March 6, 2010

Great Ocean Road

to see our photos of the Great Ocean Road, click on the link below

From Canberra, we headed south, first to Wombat Forest just north of Bacchus Marsh, then via the Great Ocean Road. Spent 2 nights at the Aire River East campground (there were koalas there), and spent the day investigating the Otway Ranges. Found the Waterfalls and Giant Redwoods on the Aire river during our travels.

The did the main tourist drive via the 12 apostles, Port Campbell, to Port Fairy, ending up in a caravan park for a well deserved shower (3 nights before were free camping). Port Fairy is still a lovely place. Spent the next day travelling to Nelson, then out to Pritchards campground on the Glenelg River, flush toilets here.

An early morning kayak found us chekcing out the birdlife, and Peter saw a platypus. Later we checked out some more of the Gelenelg River National Park, and having a quick look at Picanninny Ponds, crystal clear water, very basic SA camping available.

Wednesday saw us pack up and head home, after a wonderful 7 weeks of holiday.

Next holiday - Easter canoeing down the Glenelg River, 4 days, 3 nights with 6 other people. Should be fantastic.

Friday, March 5, 2010